Recent Professional Presentations

APWA 2010 – LA Consulting to speak on multi-division efficiency study.


Harry Lorick, P.E.
Lorick Associates Consulting
(310) 374-5777

Executing a Complete Multi-Division Efficiency Study 

Volusia County, Florida implemented an outside performance review of several operational areas. The end result was a complete rethinking of structure and organization—including some cross-divisional adjustments; changes in the way they track and account for work and work methods; and implementation of a GIS-integrated Maintenance Management System. 

By attending this session, participants will be better able to examine the benefits and the steps of performing an outside management review of systems and operations. Also, to determine if the multi-division efficiency study performed by Volusia County could be replicated by their agency. Finally, participants can discover how to get employee buy-in at all levels for a management review process and subsequent recommendations.

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