Recent Professional Presentations

LAC presented with client on establishing routines for sewer maint. at CWEA Conference


Harry Lorick, P.E.
Lorick Associates Consulting
(310) 374-5777

Establish Sewer Line Cleaning Cycles Using GIS

West Valley Sanitation District, working with LA Consulting, developed wastewater line cleaning routines by area in GIS for wastewater. Cycles were determined based on actual work history and severity levels of previous cleanings. Cycles were then used in GIS maps to develop a 2-year plan to clean the entire network and establish routines to reduce crew travel and setup time, thus reducing annual costs. The major difficulty with this task was determining the logic to use in GIS to establish “workable routines” that the District could transition from existing maintenance practices to the new cycles while eliminating the possibility of SSO’s in areas that will not be cleaned on their original cycle.

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