Projects Portfolio

City of San Carlos

City of San Carlos Public Works
Maintenance and Operations Improvement

In early 2009, the City of San Carlos Public works began the process of evaluating their maintenance and operation practices for sewer, storm, streets, and traffic. This purpose of this effort was to establish a “business like” approach to planning, budgeting, performing maintenance and managing the City’s infrastructure. 

Through this process, LA Consulting identified fifty-six (56) findings and forty-four (44) recommendations in five categories: 


  • General – System and Department opportunities.
  • Planning – Ideas related to work plans, activity accomplishment, work methods, levels of service, performance measures, activity based costing and budgeting. 
  • Organizing – Determination of labor, contract and equipment resources required to perform needed work, meeting quality expectations.
  • Directing – Processes to assign, schedule, outline, prioritize and identify work. 
  • Controlling/Improving – Efforts to perform, track, compare and improve work operations.

The City also received proposals from software vendors and selected GBA MasterSeries for CMMS implementation. Implementation of business processes, with the installation of the CMMS, is now underway and is expected to result in efficiency savings of over $100K annually.

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