Projects Portfolio
Port of Long Beach
Port of Long Beach Maintenance Optimization Study
LA Consulting performed a maintenance optimization study for the Port of Long Beach. The project involved a review of the Ports maintenance operations and identified opportunities for improvement, including organization, infrastructure assets, resources, work methods, automation and contracting.
The Port of Long Beach is the second busiest port in the United States. Port assets included 10 operable piers, 74 cargo berths, 7 container terminals, 70 cranes and 82 miles of railways, 45.5 miles of sewer lines, 32 sewer pump stations, 80 miles of storm drain lines, 476 water meters, 101 miles of water lines, 13 bridges, and 255 structures.
LA Consulting is currently in the process of implementing a Maintenance Management System for the Port. LA Consulting is assisting Port staff to reorganize, implement automated work management systems, develop routine programs and work standards and establish annual work plans and tracking for monitoring productivity and unit cost.