Harry Lorick moderates APWA/MSA joint workshop in northern California


Harry Lorick, P.E.
Lorick Associates Consulting
(310) 374-5777

Neal Leavitt
Leavitt Communications
(760) 639-2900

Berkeley, June. 20, 2002 – APWA NORTHERN CA CHAPTER and MSA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter jointly sponsored a COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS WORKSHOP at HS Lordships Restaurant in the Berkeley Marina.

CMMS provides agencies with the combination of abilities to both plan proactive and reactive maintenance as well as tracking all work cost and accomplishment including preventive maintenance routines, complaint calls, and work orders for maintenance and repair. Additionally, CMMS can compare the planned versus unplanned work and determines work backlogs. Further, it can aid to determine the resource uitilization for an agency to determine manpower and equipment needs.Three case studies will identify tools to evaluate operations and determine the best system and provide guidance to integrate with other agency wide system interfaces; financial & billing, pavement management and other mandated maintenance programs and geographic information.

Workshop Panelists include: Harry Lorick, LA Consulting, Inc, Moderator Alan Jones, Branch Manager, Roads and Airport Santa Clara County Scott Baker,Asst Director of Public, Works, City of Pleasanton Hank Van Dyke, Public Works Director, City of Emeryville

Keynote Speaker: Asset Management for Public Works PETE BELLOWS, Brown and Caldwell.




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