Valley High School's unique partnership with the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, High School Inc. Foundation, and the Santa Ana Unified School District resulted in the creation and implementation of six Career Academies supporting high-growth industries in Santa Ana - Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Healthcare, Automotive Transportation & Logistics, New Media, Global Business, and Engineering Manufacturing & Construction. Each of the Career Academies has a Course of Study detailing Academic and Career Technical Education classes for each of the Academies, this information can be found in Valley's website under Programs - High School Inc.
One of the goals of this partnership is to bring high-level technical and academic skills to Valley's students. This collaboration is a commitment to our students to demonstrate acquired proficiency in a specific industry. Thereby encouraging post secondary education/training and/or employment.
Harry Lorick is invited back each year to discuss his career in Civil Engineering and encourage students to pursue a career in some discipline of engineering. His presentation includes information about local programs and scholarships, education on what is required to become an engineer, and examples of projects engineers participate in worldwide.