Internally Implementing a Maintenance Management System with Limited Resources

Over the past several years, there has been an identified need in Public Works agencies to implement and utilize a Work, Asset and Management System to monitor productivity and costs of providing service to their communities. Data collected and outputs of these systems have allowed Public Works Directors and managers to use real data for making operational decisions under ever increasing constraints to optimize their resources. 

Often agencies assume that as a result of their size and limited resources, they are prevented from implementing their own management systems, thus losing the opportunity to use tools to manage their resources and customer needs. Although, this historically may have been the case, more recently smaller agencies have implemented their own systems, with minimal or no external support. Further, with the understanding that “one size” does not fill all, an overview of different systems and capabilities will be discussed.  

This presentation will be a case study of how two cities, with limited resources, successfully implemented their own Management Systems for maintenance and operations. Although, they chose and implemented two different systems, their desire was similar; establish a customer request system, track work and resources to maximize limited resources and utilize meaningful data for making decisions. In this presentation, they discussed their identified needs, processes of selection, processes of implementation, and their use of system data.

In addition, the presentation discussed how the implementation of the system has resulted in positive change for their organizations through increased accountability, improved processes, resource allocation, and service delivery.  

This presentation was executed by LA Consulting's Jeff Thurman, CPM, in conjuction with Mr. Khalid R. of New Smyrna Beach, FL and Mr. John R. of the City of Sanford, FL at the APWA and NACE joint annual conference in Daytona, FL April 19-22, 2015.