LA Consulting Helps Mesa Water Evaluate And Streamline Operations Procedures

LA Consulting has been retained by Costa Mesa, CA-based Mesa Water District (Mesa Water) to evaluate all water district operations. Harry Lorick, P.E., LA Consulting president, made the announcement.

The first phase of Mesa Water’s Business Process Evaluation (Evaluation) is reviewing the entire organization, which includes administration, customer service, engineering, finance, maintenance, operations and public relations. The second phase involves implementing process improvements and establishing best practices and systems. All departments are participating in the Evaluation and are actively involved in improving processes district-wide.

“Mesa Water is an efficient operation, focused on delivering high-quality water to its customers in the most effective manner possible, including maintaining its infrastructure to a low level of water loss through leaks, and efficient staff operations through streamlined processes that are predictable, reliable, and sustainable,” said Paul E. Shoenberger, Mesa Water General Manager.

Lorick said LA Consulting has observed all employees and involved them on all phases of the Evaluation. The company has analyzed the District’s internal operating systems, and created a detailed report with findings and recommendations. LA Consulting will use this improvement ‘playbook’ to assist in implementing the recommendations.

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