A port is not considered a traditional municipality, but port maintenance is public works too.
LAC teams with Orange County and City of Irvine to present at APWA 2008 Streets & Technology Conference
LAC spoke with representatives from Orange County (CA) and the City of Irvine (CA) about the NPDES compliance programs used in these agencies.
Contracting vs In-House Staff - Recruit, retain and motivate your employees
In Pinellas County this is exactly what occurred. There was strong pressure to contract costly mowing performed by the County employees to contractors.
Maintenance Management Systems Training with MSA
LAC, in conjunction with the Maintenance Superintendents Association (MSA), performed a day long training session on maintenance system functions and applications.
Lorick Spoke on Maintenance Management Systems at APWA Public Works Institute
APWA 2010 – LA Consulting Spoke on multi-division efficiency study.
APWA 2010 – LAC Spoke with Volusia County on FEMA administration
While work crews move quickly to provide services, administrators are busy scheduling and prioritizing work, directing communications, managing efforts between local and federal agencies, and ensuring that the field work effort is being tracked and accounted for according to FEMA requirements.
APWA 2010 – LAC Presented with Florida counties on technology and BMP’s
Pinellas and St. Johns Counties in Florida independently evaluated their processes, selected and applied different maintenance systems and technologies and yet—both had similar results.
APWA 2011 - LAC Spoke on equipment optimization with Volusia County
APWA 2011 - LAC Presented on Parks Maintenance with Orange County (CA) and Volusia County (FL)
In addition to picnic areas and playgrounds, parks can include equestrian trails, hiking and biking trails, camping facilities, beaches, boat ramps, and historical landmarks.
APWA 2011 - LAC Presented On Port Maintenance With Port of Los Angeles
Port maintenance is very similar to public works with similar assets to manage - streets, traffic, buildings, fleets, utilities, and stormwater.
APWA 2014 - LAC Presented on Downsizing with Alameda County
In this time of diminishing available resources, one county will describe how they were able to meet declining revenues and lower available resources while maintaining their core services and increasing key service levels.
APWA 2014 - LAC Presented on Overhead with the Mesa Water District and the City of Ventura Public Works
Every agency needs to know the cost to do their work, whether it’s patching a pothole, repairing a guardrail, or cleaning a sewer line.