Yes I see... Using Visuals through GIS and CMMS to Make Better Maintenance Decisions!

This presentation was a case study of how one agency is using GIS technology coupled with a Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to better plan, organize, schedule and control resources. The speakers described how the agency has continued to improve maintenance and operations by developing processes to provide tracking of maintenance activities and accountability for work accomplishment and cost efficiency; for example, activities such as mowing cycles and canal cleaning using GIS, dashboards, etc.

The session speakers discussed how the agency used technology to monitor established service levels for specific activities, and the comparison of CMMS system outputs for resource balancing and the controlling of work. The technology used allows staff at all levels, to visually see where maintenance operations have met, exceeded, or are below established service levels for specific activities and groups. The session also covered how applied technology is able to improve future planning, current organizing and scheduling, allowing for their agency to further improve by making effective management decisions for efficiencies.

This presentation was given at the APWA-NACE joint expo and annual conference in Daytona Beach Florida April 19-22, 2015. Mr. Jeff Thurman, CPM, a consultant of LA Consulting presented and was joined by Molly C. and Erick Sumner of Hillsborough County.