Port of Los Angeles Construction and Maintenance Division Improvements
In 2007, Senior Port Management as well as the unions and customers were concerned over operations of the C&M division. POLA decided to evaluate and compile how to improve their operations and selected LAC for support in this effort.
The LA Consulting review identified several key opportunities. At that point in time, there was a top down management approach in place at C&M with little delegation and coordination, which often resulted in key decisions either being delayed or not made. C&M staff had mainly a reactive approach for operations and maintenance with a minimal amount of proactive planning or scheduling in place. Additionally, it was reported that the Port often had slow customer responses along with ineffective support actions during the work effort.
The Final Report submitted in February of 2008, proposed 54 key recommendations that outlined the benefits of improving maintenance operations within the Construction and Maintenance (C&M) Division. The report recommendations, which were made with careful analysis, involvement, and discussions with POLA staff and management were outlined to the Harbor Commission. The recommendations were categorized into the four basic management functions of Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling and outlined to facilitate a phased implementation of the recommendations by the C&M Division.
The results of this actual implementation effort in as early as 2009, had clear indications of real improvement. For example, pile driving showed 28% more piles driven between 2007 and 2009 with the same number of employees. Further, the work which is broken down into specific activities was monitored with 78% of activities reporting improvement. In addition, complete accountability was established for employees with 100% of staff hours accounted for by activity. Not only were there significant changes in the values of accomplishment and productivity, but in management processes and accountability as well.