
Applying High-Performance Organization Concepts To Your Public Works Department

Applying High-Performance Organization Concepts To Your Public Works Department

The HPO framework is not a set of instructions or a recipe that can be followed blindly. Rather it is a framework that has to be translated by managers to their specific organizational situation in their current time, by designing a specific variant of the framework fit for their organization.

Does Size Matter For Public Works Directors? Is There A Leadership Difference Between A Large Organization And A Smaller One?

A public works organization’s size can vary from a two-member person agency to one like Los Angeles County, with nearly 4,000 members.

Public Works and Ethics Go Hand In Hand

Ethical behavior helps us live and work in a civil society. Human nature dictates that we act in our own self-interest in most circumstances unless we feel a moral obligation to others or society. Today's society promotes a "me first" mentality. Citisens expect public works officials to be watchful and careful with the resources entrusted to them. How can we create an environment that will encourage ethical behavior in the public works sector?

Getting Maintenance Work Done: In-House or By Others

The main objective for any Public Works department is to cost-effectively optimize resources - these include employees equipment, materials, contracts, and physical assets. Orange County, California has successfully used various maintenance and operations service providers, including a combination of in-house/force accounts, outsourcing, job order contracting, and incarcerated labor.