Published Articles — LA CONSULTING, Inc.

APWA Reporter

How Santa Clara County projected maintenance resource needs to adress staffing shortages

How Santa Clara County projected maintenance resource needs to adress staffing shortages

Maintenance and Operations work is subject to large variations and risks because of the impacts of emergencies, public input, political influences and other items that make annual work planning difficult with only rough estimates.

Administering FEMA Requirements Doesn't Need to be a Disaster

Volusia County in northeast Florida has experienced a number of emergency events in recent years such as flooding, wind damage and beach erosion, many of which have been declared a federal disaster. This article outlines the process by which Volusia County has met federal reporting requirements and provides specific guidelines for other public agencies and municipalities.

Preventive Maintenance programs keep your bridges open for years to come

Bridges are intricate structures with structural, mechanical, electrical and civil components. The structures, whether fixed or movable facilities, require regular preventive maintenance to remain in optimal operational condition. This discusion outlines how two counties—one in California and one in Florida—have implemented an organized approach to successfully accomplish their regular preventive bridge maintenance.

Selecting the right maintenance management system can improve your operations

A properly implemented Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) can serve as a powerful management tool. Resources and activities can be justified and work history is documented. Public agencies may need to implement a CMMS for a number of reasons—mandates by federal, state and local agencies, results of internal or external audits, justifying resources, and establishing an automated system.

Six-Figure Savings with MMS Implementation and Citizen Involvement too!

Six-figure savings in the first six months of road and stormwater maintenance system implementation may sound too good to be true, but Charlotte County, Florida, got just that and more. An innovative Maintenance Management System (MMS) initiated for Charlotte County generated savings of more than $750,000 in the first six months of operation plus $500,000 in the following year. These savings were attributable to improved planning, work identification, scheduling, new crew configurations, and following maintenance activity guidelines.

Employee "buy-in", Education, Union Coordination Help Launch Successful Maintenance Management Program For Silicon Valley City

Coauthored with Maintenance Manager of City of Fremont, CA. Outlines how a maintenance management system was implemented to improve operations and resulted in six-figure annual savings.