Leadership from the ranks

The March 2018 issue of the APWA Reporter included an article entitled "Finding Leadership in the most Unexpected Places" (Proce, 2018), in which the author challenged readers to find leaders who are "living their actions every day" (p. 44). We searched for such a leader who "walks the talk", someone who has background in the work and is out in front with employees, and with citizens, all while using and applying the basic principles of leadership. 

Leadership is "a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal" (Northouse, 2013, p.5). One such candidate for that category is Carl Fuller, Road Maintenance Division Manager for Coconino County Public Works, Arizona. He guides and leads staff in the second largest county in the United States to maintain roads, traffic, and stormwater assets. He is a hands-on leader, sometimes in the field, sometimes in the office who is constantly guiding, mentoring, and facilitating employees to care for the County's assets while also advising the public of what is happening. To better understand his inclusion in this category, beyond our own observations, he was interviewed and asked key questions. The answers about leadership, in his own words, are outlined here.

The Author

Harry Lorick, PE, PWLF, PTOE, Principal, LA Consulting, Manhattan Beach, California, APWA Member, APWA Leadership and Management Committee

Sarah Terry, Assistant Consultant, LA Consulting, Inc., Manhattan Beach, California, APWA Member, ELA Class X, LMC Knowledge Team

Read more about the article here.